I would like to start blogging more and while thinking of something to write a blog post about I thought, "why not a Monthly re-cap?". I will attempt to create a monthly recap blog post for the rest of 2024. Don't come after me if it doesn't happen, I'm only human.
May is the month of my birth, sooo of course it's my FAVORITE. I went to my favorite restaurant in Los Angeles (Jones) with a few close friends to celebrate making it to level 33. We also went out for drinks at one of my favorite Los Angeles bars, The Roger Room!
Another fun May highlight, I vended at 3 different markets. My Q2 goal was to vend at minimum 2 markets, and I have done 4 in total. I will be vending 2 more markets before the end of Q2, making that 6 in total, go me! I'm very proud of myself for sticking to it and getting myself out there. I encourage anyone wanting to try selling their stuff at markets to rip the band aid off and JUST DO IT!
Each market is a learning lesson, and everyone of them brings me joy when someone tells me they like my artwork/merch, and even more when they decide to purchase something from me! I appreciate every single person who has purchased something from me, it's because of you I keep pushing on toward the end goal!
Some new items also made their way to the shop this month! Cherry stickers, a Mother's day greeting card, and the start of a Zodiac Tiki Mug Birthday greeting card series that I am very excited about. So far the collection has Gemini and Cancer. I am going to Illustrate the rest of the signs as their season approaches, so keep an eye out!